The motto of the Second House is, "I Own” ...
In it we find the things we deem valuable in this life, whether they be material resources or the more immaterial attributes admirable in others... Here is where we cultivate and assign desirability alongside, and often intertwined, with the echos of one's self-worth. How much or little confidence we hold is hiding within the happenings of this house, ultimately shaped by the zodiac attached.
Second House: How We Judge Value/Self Worth/Ideals of Ownership
Aries ... In the Second, Aries presents with almost an inability to enjoy homey, comfortable, or hygge type things... Instead, these individuals will search out and put value in impulsivity, favoring things that are fast paced or which others might consider of a 'spicy' variety... Overall, they will see the material world through a lens heavily reliant on their instincts. As so items that assist them in pursuing action will be found of higher value to them. While a nice couch is great and all, these individuals are keener to travel than be home bodies anyway, so quality hiking equipment or a flashy set of wheels will bring them more fulfillment by giving them the payoff they seek... Regardless, and possibly because of, the higher price tags.
Taurus ... People born with Taurus controlling their Second House have an uncanny way of recognizing value in things... Holding a wide scope, this encompasses things from random decorative items adorning their personal spaces to the relationships they collect and nurture... The highest of importance to them being the quality of experiences they are afforded and seek out in life... At times they may struggle with recognizing their own value, especially if they experience hardship in life... They will be drawn to think it’s because they are unworthy. This is not the case of course and given time they will recognize this truth, leading to self-empowerment later in life.
Gemini ... Things that influence your Second House are not only the zodiac that it's found in but more to the point its ruling planet's energy. In this case, Mercury.... With the combination of talkative Mercurial vibes alongside the money centered Taurus overtone this house naturally holds, it becomes linear to see persons making a career in some type of quick money activities... Occupations such as freelance journalism and all things revolving the written word are exalted in a Gemini Second... There's is money to be made in the communications realm for most of these holders, whether it's sharing their ideas with the world or bringing the worlds ideas to others with them acting as their chosen teacher/sage.
Cancer ... Those with Cancer holding sway over the Second House are personalities who find their financial lifestyle often surrounding the familiar … With this house association, money and how it's made is typically centrally located around one's generational influences. Whether it be a family business, which they more than likely will manage at some stage in life, starting one of their own with it being home centric, or how they make an income being based out of a home location. These natives see the vocational and domestic landscapes of their lives blend into one another…In addition to this, they often partake in inheritances which may attribute to most of them heavily gauging themselves on their relationship to family and money.... These are individuals who find immense joy in family gatherings as they value time spent together, and until they find the soul mate connection they long for, will always be on the search for true love.... Wishing to put down roots and grow old with their partner.
Leo ... The Second House dictating what we value in reference to both our worldly possessions as well as self-worth, gets a play on vanity under Leo. Often those with 'The Lion' here earn a wage dependent upon it... This is a placement of many musicians, models, public officials, as well as actors especially. There is a strong self-confidence often present with this location, but it can be tricky if too much weight is placed on how others perceive them. In which case they can find themselves wrapped up in others' opinions instead of living for themselves.
Virgo ... Individuals with this placement tend to be preoccupied with dissatisfaction.... It is far too easy for them to nitpick faults than to truly value their actions and successes... Most Second House Virgos are never quite satisfied with their materialistic world, always wanting the bigger and the better... Or they become of the belief what they have is unsatisfactory. These personalities do tend to gain wealth over time, however, it is something that one does slowly and with great detail ... Savings accounts are very important for these individuals. Things such as Iras and plays in the stock market are always describable as minimal risk, with them only interested in high interest investments if it yields rewards not dicey or unpredictable likelihoods ... Money and the thought of losing it can give them quite a lot of anxiety and they wouldn't put themselves in a situation to lose what they have amassed so quickly.
Libra ... Libra puts an extreme emphasis on relationships and the balance of fairness being of importance for those with this air elemental Second ... Often these individuals make their livelihood in some type of teamwork capacity or in professions that center around social justice/law... With so much attention being placed on the interactions between the native and the surrounding individuals in their lives, often they can find their self-worth tied into how others perceive them...This is a placement that can let codependency sneak in but if addressed with an even mindset, they can bring harmony to most any project they are involved in. Overall, they will seek to live a compassionate, confident, and aesthetic lifestyle.
Scorpio ... Having Scorpio here is a bit tricky because it lends to this sense of a debt needing settled... Those with this placement often find themselves feeling like they're repaying something in order to balance the energy of those that came before, their ancestry or an inheritance of sorts... The latter which does not always equate to a positive influx of finances.... There becomes a real sense of, 'you get what you give,' with a Scorpio Second and as so those that hold the water zodiac in the middle of their First Quadrant will always be rewarded as long as they continuously try to live justly...
Sagittarius ... Money becomes hard holding onto when 'The Archer' comes around the Second House. This is because having Sagittarius here leads an individual to be overly optimistic about the value of their money, making sound investments difficult long term.... The benefit of this affiliation however is that they tend to profit in fields always in demand. Teaching, philosophy, travel, and holistic businesses peak their interests, and they are quite good at all of them, becoming experts in no time! While Sagittarius in general is a very lucky zodiac, it itself doesn't possess a realistic approach to money management... If this is acknowledged it can be easily addressed and becomes a moot point. The best advice for these souls is to find a way to profit from their passions and leave the checkbook to someone trustworthy of having their best interests covered.
Capricorn ... Capricorn energy is always striving for success... This is where its native's drive originates from. And considering the earthy influence involved, those having said energy in the house regarding wealth/value, tend to put a substantial weight on material possessions... In a lot of ways, it gives them a sense of self-validation... To have the cardinal earth zodiac here calls for a need in overcoming such perspective and allowing themselves time to rest and meditate on the true value of life. One not tangible... This then allows them to see how much value they hold apart from just worldly possessions/ or how they might continuously succeed in their career.
Aquarius ... This is a house that needs to be preceded with caution when it resides in such a forward-thinking zodiac as Aquarius. Those with this placement are risk takers. They value society and their communities so much so that throwing money at charitable causes or local startups will pull on their purse strings whether they are sound investments or not... This is the life of a benefactor, even if they don’t have the means to withstand the generosity they wish to dispense. These natives can become not only gamblers with their finances but their health as well... Seen in their strong want for convenience having them frequent the local drive-thru more than they know is good for them with plans of hitting the gym sometime... Perhaps next week. But, without fail though another deserving cause will need their attention by then driving the cycle.
Pisces... Having a Pisces spin on your Second House brings an energy of slight forgetfulness when it comes to one's possessions.... These are individuals that lose the same thing, like keys or a wallet, over and over... While they always find them, to misplace things is commonplace and speaks to the lack of structure involved with this placement.... Being happy with very little due to their mindset heavily focused on the metaphysical, they find the only way to bring true fulfillment into their lives is to follow a deep purpose with passion. Pisces Second individuals therefore place less importance on the physical... After all, they are geared towards a 'Life's Soul Mission' and not a tactile one. As so they often value what is not tangible more so than others...
Look for the continuation of this series forthcoming...